
Aromatic Brother of Peach.

The nutritional benefits of consuming summer fruits all year are undeniable, but in our opinion, the real joke is to teleport one's memories of summer in one bite. As you know, e nectarine is one of the most classic summer fruits. Wouldn't you take a bite of summer then?


The mysterious brotherhood of nectarine and peach

It is thought that nectarine began to be produced by human hands in China about 4000 years ago. But not with the combination of peach and pear, as it is thought. Nectarine is produced by recessing the dominant gene, which is the source of the hairy skin of the peach. So the two are almost the same fruit. But this slight genetic difference caused the peach to be juicier and sweeter, and the nectarine to be more aromatic. One difference between them is that the seed is a little harder than a peach, but we explain how you can easily overcome this small difficulty in the "How" section.