Medjoul Dates

Crown of Ramazan Tables, King of Dates!

This rare fruit of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), one of the oldest cultivated trees in the world, has been referred to as the "king of dates" by many societies due to its size and sweetness.

The adjective “King of Dates” is not just due to the size of the fruit. This Moroccan fruit was thought to ward off fatigue, and was indeed consumed by the Moroccan royal family and their guests.


Nature's Sugar

Although it is usually sold in dried form, it is not dehydrated like other dried fruits we are used to, but has a soft and sticky texture. Oval-shaped, dark brown in color and wrinkled in texture, Medjoul dates have an almost caramel-like flavor.

Medjoul date, which is a concentrated source of natural sugar, is a type of date consumed because of its natural sweetness.